Shows and Exhibitions
The Jacksonville Watercolor Society hosts two "members only" shows each year. The Fall and Spring Shows are juried and judged by a nationally recognized watercolor artist. These annual exhibitions are high points for the Jacksonville area communities as well as for JWS members. Non-juried shows may also be available for members to display their work.
Below are descriptions of the sections on this page and additional information regarding Show Standards and delivery of paintings to gallery to be hung. There is also a link to the student show page.
Show Standards: All juried entries must comply with show standards and guidelines. Full entry requirements are in the Show Standards and Guidelines. Each entrant must certify that they have read and complied with the show standards and guidelines. Please note any changes for specific shows in the Scheduled Shows sections.
Effective January 1, 2024, JWS Show Standards were changed to accept wood frames in addition to metal frames. Please read the specifications carefully to make sure your framing complies. We hate to turn away any painting because it is framed incorrectly.
If you have any questions about acceptable framing, please contact Co-VPs of Shows, Barbara Holt before take-in.
Framing – Metal frames in gold, silver, black, or white will be accepted with no embellishments. Wood frames with a professional finish appearance of black, white, or natural and wood tones will be accepted. Wood frames must be plain flat framing with no embellishments or ornamentation. Frames may be up to 2” in width. Hard-ware for wooden frames should be D-strap hangers. Wire shall be securely fastened to conventional flat holders. No screw eye or saw tooth hangers. Acrylic plastic (plexiglass) is required on all entries. No glass. Work not suitably or safely mounted is unacceptable.
Mats - Mats, if used, must be clean, not smudged, and not painted, white or off-white, single or double mats only. No colored filets allowed or floating on color. Simplicity of presentation allows each work to be viewed on its own merit and on an equal basis with the other submissions.
Frame Dimensions – Shall be no more than 44 inches (unless otherwise specified for the particular show) and no less than 12 inches in either direction
A Special Show Flyer with details about key entry requirements in creative language and images may be helpful in understanding why the show standards are important. This is being updated with 2024 changes and should be available shortly.
Take-In/Deliver paintings to gallery: All paintings accepted in the show must meet the show standards and guidelines for framing and matting before they can be exhibited in the show.
Important: Before delivering the painting, download the paper entry form and complete for physical take-in/receiving or attach copy of online entry form with artist's contact information and information about the painting. Attach the paper entry form to the back of the painting. Deliver framed and matted painting(s) to the gallery for hanging at the designated times.
Student Shows: JWS is also sponsoring student shows with local schools. Details are available on a separate page. Click on the link to enter paintings, see scheduled show details, and gallery of student entries.
Below are the sections on this page:
1. Scheduled Juried Shows Section This section includes the times and places of upcoming shows for online take-in, delivery of paintings, exhibition, take-down, reception and awards announcement.
2. Scheduled Non-juried Shows Section: This section includes the times and places of upcoming shows for online take-in, delivery of paintings, exhibition, take-down, and reception for non-juried shows.
3. Online Show Entry Section: This section includes the process and forms for submitting a painting and paying the entry fee along with general guidelines for entering paintings in shows.
4. Gallery of Juried Shows Section: The section has links to current and past shows and their programs, award winners and all paintings exhibited, when available.
1. Scheduled Juried Shows
2025 Fall Show
The 2025 JWS Fall Juried Show will be exhibited from October 28 to December 1 at Christ Episcopal Church in both Westbury Parish Hall and Formation & Arts buildings located at 400 San Juan Drive in Ponte Vedra Beach during their normal operating hours. Make sure to see the special exhibit by Barbara Holt, Artist of the Year for 2024 in Westbury Parish Hall, running concurrent with the Fall Show. Also the award winners of the 2025 Student Show will be on exhibit.
Key dates to remember:
Oct 18 - 24 Online Entry
Oct 27 - Take in/Delivery & Hanging
Oct 28 - Judging
TBD - Awards Reception
Dec 01 - Take down/Pick up
Opening reception and awards will be on Saturday, October TBD at Christ Episcopal Church, Westbury Parish Hall from 12 pm to 1:30 pm. Refreshments will be served. Artist of the Year for 2025 will also be announced during the reception.
Online entries will be accepted from October 18 through midnight October 24. 2025. Please see online entry instructions below.
Membership dues must have been paid and recorded on the JWS membership roster before entering the show with online take-in.
Eligible members may enter up to 2 paintings at $15 each. When pricing your artwork, all sales for this show will be handled directly by the artist, so there is no commission to consider.
All entries must comply with show standards and guidelines. Full entry requirements are in the Show Standards and Guidelines. Each entrant must certify that they have read and complied with the show standards and guidelines.
Delivery/Take-in of framed and matted paintings will be on Monday, October 27, 2025 from 10 am to 12 pm at Christ Episcopal Church. Show will be hung in the afternoon.
Jurying and judging by Chris Flagg will be completed on October 28. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Holt at 904-874-4916.
Take-down/pick-up at Christ Episcopal Church on Monday, December 1 from 10 am to 12 pm. Please make arrangements to pick up your painting during designated times.
2026 Spring Show (details coming later in 2025)
The Spring Show will be on exhibit from February 3 through TBD, 2026 at St. Augustine Art Association (StAAA), South Gallery, 22 Marine St., St Augustine, 32084. Open Tues-Sun 12 to 4 pm.
This venue is available through the generous donation of long time JWS member, Virginia Meadows. JWS Awards will be announced at a reception/awards ceremony during the First Friday Art Walk on February 6 at 7 pm. For more information about the First Friday Art Walk, parking, free shuttle, see Art Galleries of St Augustine (AGoSA) brochure.
Pricing: StAAA charges a commission for artwork sold through StAAA - 30% for StAAA members and 50% for non-members. StAAA membership is $60 annually. Price your artwork accordingly.
Framing: There is a size limitation for this show - no longer than 28" on the longest side of the frame and no less than 12" on the shortest side.
Entries: Online entries will be accepted from January 23, 2026 through midnight January 29, 2026. All entries must comply with show standards and guidelines. Full entry requirements are in the Show Standards and Guidelines. Each entrant must certify that they have read and complied with the show standards and guidelines.Please see online entry instructions below. If you would like help with entering online, please contact Barbara Holt at 904-874-4916 or Cathy Salzer at.
Drop-off: Use of remote drop-off locations is encouraged due to the limited time frame. Please call contact at remote drop-off locations to make arrangements for time and location before dropping off.
--Barbara Holt - Westminster Woods at Julington Creek (Jan 28 Wed 10-12, but call first)
--Barbara Holt - Jax Beaches area (904)874-4916
--Dee Roberts - Orange Park area (904)654-5982
--Geri Groenert - Saint Augustine area (904)940-7621
Take-in: Delivery/Take-in of framed & matted paintings- Tuesday, Feb 3, 11 am to 1 pm at St Augustine Art Association.
Jurying and judging by TBD on Feb 3 immediately after take-in/delivery closes at 1 pm.
Pick-up: Take-down/pick-up at St Augustine Art Association on Sunday, TBD from 12 pm to 2 pm. Please make arrangements to pick up your paintings during this time.
REMINDER: Dues must be paid before online entry (starting Friday, January 23) in order to be eligible to enter the show.
2. Scheduled Non-Juried Shows
2025 Members Show - April 1 - May 30, 2025
JWS will have a Members’ Non-juried Show from April 1 through May 30 at the Grace Gallery (2nd floor of the McCord Building) of the Riverside Park United Methodist Church, 819 Park Street, Jacksonville, 32204. (904) 355-5491 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9-3:30 Friday 9-1. This is a non-juried show—it is an opportunity to show and sell your artwork.
Key Dates:
March 30, 2025 - Deadline for online entry
April 1, 2025 - Take-in/Dropoff
May 30, 205 - Take-down/Pickup
We ask that paintings in the show remain hanging until the end of the show. You may enter 2 paintings for this show.
Framing: We will relax our framing standards as we have done in the past for Member’s non-juried shows and allow framing of any material. The work should be done in watercolor, of course and if framed behind “glass”, it must be plexiglass. Please have a wire hanger attached for ease in hanging, not fixed metal hangers. There is a size limitation for this show - Paintings should be no larger than 28” in either direction.
Pricing: There will be a 25% commission paid to Riverside Park UMC by artist for total sales at the end of the show as a charitable donation. Buyers will write a check to the artist and the office manager at Riverside Park UMC with forward check to the artist and the purchased painting to the buyer.
Entry &Payment of Fee: Please fill out the entry form for each painting in the non-juried show - Click on and complete “JWS Members Only Show Submission Form” for each painting submitted by March 30 so that cards may be prepared for the show hanging on April 1 (no image is required). You may enter 2 paintings for this show.
Please pay the $15 plus $2 PayPal service charge a total of $17, "Member Show Fee per Artist" per artist in the PayPal section below.
Take-in: Take-in/drop-off of framed, matted, ready to hang paintings is from 10 am to 12 noon on April 1, 2025 at the Grace Gallery at Riverside Park UMC.
Take-down: Take-down/pick-up of paintings is from 10 am to 12 noon on May 30.
If you have any questions you can contact Cathy Salzer at or Barbara Holt.
3. Online Show Entry
IMPORTANT: Please read specific show standards and guidelines for the show you are entering. Until further notice all show entries (entry form and payment) will be done online.
• Photo (.jpg) of painting is still required to be uploaded, but it will not be used for jurying and judging. We need a good image of the painting for the online gallery.
• All online entries and fees must be completed by midnight on the last day of the online take-in period.
• By entering a painting online, the artist is committing to have the painting ready, framed and matted in accordance with Show Standards and Guidelines, and delivered to the gallery venue on the designated date.
• Membership dues must have been paid by the deadline to enter the show.
• Eligible members may enter up to 2 paintings at $15 each.
• When pricing your artwork, please consider the commission requirements, if any, for the show venue.
• The process and forms for submitting a painting and paying the entry fee are described below:
Submit Entry Form & Pay Entry Fee in Two Step Process
“Prepare” the image of your painting by taking a good quality photo, cropping to what you would see when matted, and name it before submitting: LastnameFirstinitial - title of painting.jpg. Example: GrandyF - Cute Dogs.jpg. Important: Please take photo before you frame your painting. For a helpful guide to photographing your painting and entering online, click here.
Step 1 - Online Entry Form & Image Upload
Click here for online entry form. Please complete the online show entry form for each painting submitted and upload the “prepared” digital image of your painting on the form.
This will send the entry form information and image to our shows email address and you will receive a confirmation that your entry was received for online take-in.
Repeat for each painting entered and then go to step 2 for online payment.
Step 2 - Online Payment
Online entry fee must be paid to complete processing of your entry in the show. Please pay entry fees online, by selecting 1 entry or 2 entries from the buttons below, then press the “Pay Now” button and complete your payment.
Please review the shopping cart to ensure your selection is recorded correctly - with "1" in the quantity.
You may pay with your own PayPal account or by credit card (option at the bottom of PayPal page) and fill out the requested information as a PayPal guest.
A small convenience fee of $2.00 is added for online payments to offset charges to JWS for PayPal's payment processing services.
You will receive confirmation of your payment from PayPal and an email that entry is being processed.
4. Gallery of Juried Shows
JWS has two juried shows per year in the Spring and Fall. Some years, JWS has a non-juried Summer Show for members. Click on the show below to see past shows. The Gold Award/1st Place painting is featured for each show. "Program" link is the pdf document with information about the show. "Paintings" is the link to a Google Photos Album for paintings in the exhibit, the show card (if available), the award winners and other images for that show. Paintings will appear full size when navigating through the gallery with arrow button. (i) will show name of artist and title of painting and number assigned (in program). The archives are a "work in process" as earlier years are scanned and added to the gallery.