JWS communicates with its members and sponsors through Email notices, Newsletters, Mailings, Facebook, Instagram, and Website. Links to Facebook and Instagram are at the bottom of each page on the website and on the cover of the newsletter.
Make sure your email address is on file with the Membership VP to receive the email notices and newsletters.
In addition, JWS communicates with the general public through Arbus publications, local news, and cultural councils. We invite the public to attend JWS meetings, shows and workshops.
Share your accomplishments and upcoming events on our Facebook page and in the newsletter. We're happy to publish pertinent information that may be of interest to JWS members - upcoming shows, receptions, awards, classes, workshops, items for sale, and info from other arts organizations.
For Newsletter news or website, please contact Karen Zelenkov, Newsletter editor Co-VP Communications.
For Facebook and Instagram news, please contact Carol Doyle, Social Media editor Co-VP Communications.
1. Newsletters are published Sep-Nov and Jan-May. Only members with an e-mail address will receive a digital copy of the Newsletter via email each month. Others may go on the website and download a copy and print if desired. If a member is not receiving newsletters or news blasts via email, please contact Membership to verify your email address on the membership roster. A list of archived newsletters, including the most current issue, is available below.
2. Trifolds had generally been published in September for Fall events and in January for Spring events. Trifolds were changed in 2023 to a generic version that could be used for multiple years, without specific references to monthly meetings, workshops, and shows calendar of events. A list of monthly meetings and guest artists from archived trifolds is available on the Programs page. The generic trifold for 2024 is used for membership campaigns and promoting JWS to non-members.
3. Links to other websites which may be of interest to members include art organizations, vendors and art suppliers, and workshop artists .
1. Archive of Newsletters
Click on the newsletter issue in the archives to open and download pdf. Additional issues are available upon request.
There are many art organizations and opportunities for JWS members. Thanks to the vendors and resources below for their past support, please support them and check out their websites by clicking on the links below. Most of the Artists are active workshop instructors and continue to share on their websites.