Membership is open to anyone who is interested in water media. JWS is a wonderful way to meet and make new friends and network with an array of like-minded artists.
Benefits include member fees for workshops, artist demonstrations at monthly meetings, opportunity to participate in juried shows and community outreach, access to JWS library of art videos and books, and communication via newsletter, web site, and e-mail.
Bylaws describe opportunities available and responsibilities of officers and committees as well as governance of JWS as a non-profit organization. Click on link for pdf copy of Bylaws.
Here is a summary of the sections on this page:
1. Join or Renew Membership:
is a section that included instructions on how to join or renew membership BY MAIL or ONLINE using membership application form and Paypal/your credit card.
Membership dues are $35 per year for individual memberships and $42 per year for family memberships and $20 per year for student memberships. The dues are payable at the beginning of the JWS fiscal year, January 1st and are delinquent after January 31st. Lifetime memberships are also available, if desired. Contact Becky Mentz for more information.
2. Members' list and Websites is a section that includes all members included on the membership roster who have paid dues for the current year and lifetime members, with links to the members’ websites or galleries, where you can view the works of some of our members and workshops.
3. Donations is a section that describes how to make a donation to Jacksonville Watercolor Society.
1. Join or Renew Membership
Reminder: Please make sure your email address and telephone number are correct so that we can contact you.
BY MAIL: Click here to download the membership application form and fill out the information. This form can be used for new members and members renewing their membership. Mail the application form and your check to Rebecca Mentz at the address on the form. Membership dues are also accepted at the monthly meetings in person by check or cash.
ONLINE: Submit Application and Pay Dues via Two-Step Process
Step 1. Click here to bring up online membership application form and complete online. When you "submit" this will send the information to our membership email address for processing. Return to step 2 below to pay dues.
Step 2. Pay dues online, selecting the individual, family, or student membership box from the menu below and press the “Pay Now” button at the bottom of the box. This will take you to the secured JWS PayPal account. Please review the shopping cart to ensure your selection recorded correctly and the quantity is "1". You may pay with your own PayPal account or by credit card as a guest (option at bottom of PayPal page) and fill out the requested information as a non-PayPal account. A small convenience fee of $2.00 is added for online payments to offset charges to JWS for PayPal's payment processing services. You should receive confirmation of the payment from PayPal.
2. Members List and Websites
Current members are listed below. Lifetime members, including Past Presidents are in a separate list. If a member has a website, a link to the website may be added to the member's name by contacting Rick Godke.
Please provide any changes to your membership information to Becky Mentz. If you have paid your dues and do not see your name below, please contact Becky.
Click on the names with links (underlined) to see members’ website and gallery.
* New Members
As of 02/19/2025
Carol Allegood
Carol Baker
Nancy Banks
Lelana Barnes
Marianne Barnett
Denise Bates
Elaine Bergstrom
Max Billingsley III *
Deborah Bird
Sherry Black
Linda Blackburn
Linda Borgstede
Jeannie Brockhausen
Kim Bouy
Michael Byrd
Kathy Carithers
Lisa Cederberg
Terry Craig*
Erin Crockett
Imogene Coleman
Pauline Collings
Linda Cox
Cindy Cyr
Janet Czaplinski
Martha Denneen*
Sughra Dhanji
Patricia Dougherty
Carol Doyle
LuAnn Dunkinson
Donald Farrell
Linda Fern
Sandra FitzSimmons
Chris Flagg*
Melynda Fowler
Robyn Freedman
Jeannie Gabrynowicz
Jennifer Garrett
Leslie Gerlach
Richard Godke
Cecilia Grillo
Debbie Grisnik
Geri Groenert
Enma Alcarraz Guia
Cindy Guy
Cinda Haas
Marcela Hampel
Linda Hawkins
Ted Head
Danielle Helow
Heather Hill
Linda Hockmeyer
Barbara Holt
Patricia Howell
Brenda Howze
Julie Hynes
Meganne Johnson
Frances Jones
Gail Karson
Jill Kelly
Janet Killackey
Janice Koss
Jean Langlie
Gloria Larson
Jessica Larson*
Betsy Ledbetter
Emily Long
Sandra Maddox
Lisa Marvel
Lynn McClow
Judy McDermott
Debra McElreath
Betsy McNiel
Leanne Meadows
Gail Meshaw
Rebecca Mentz
Barbara Milon
Lisa Mika
Marge Monteith
Rosemary Moredock
Judy Mundy*
Lois Newman
Kate Norton
Tito Oliver
Cynthia Pierson
Janet Post
Priyanka Priyadarshini
Ingrid Prosser
Michelle Register*
Marise Rinkel
Pablo Rivera
Dee Roberts
Joan L. Romain
Nancy Ruppert
Cathy Salzer
Rhona Scoville
Diane Schultz*
Mary Sebold
Ruth Senftleber*
Karen Serenchy
Marylou Sick
Mary Shymkiv-Bakker
Svetlana Shorey
Connie Skinner
Mary O Smith
Joyce Snell
Giovanna Sparagna
Susan Sprague*
Denise Sparf
Siv Spurgeon
Mary-Blue Ster
Arlene Tabor
Michael Tibor
Lisa Timm*
Shehla Uraizee
Mary A. Walker
Colette Weitzel
Jackie Wilson
Maryann Wirth
Lifetime Members
Miles Batt #2
Diane Bradley
Fran Grandy
Sylvia Haddock
Vicki Lake
Ann Leathery
Virginia Meadows
Terese Muller
Leigh Murphy
Chris Olmoguez
Lucy Price
Stephanie Sipp
Jennie Szaltis
Francesca Tabor-Miolla
Scotty Thornton
Gloria Travassos-James
Verna Urbanski
Janelle Watson
R. Tuni Weiss
Renee Winkler
Becky Woodward
Karen Zelenkov
3. Donations
Over the years, JWS has received generous donations in honor of past and present members. We are grateful for that support. If you would like to make a donation to JWS, please notify our President, LuAnn Dunkinson or other board member (see About Us for contact information).
PICK UP: If donating art material or supplies, arrangements will be made to pick up and deliver.
BY MAIL: Please send a check payable to the Jacksonville Watercolor Society and include "Donation" and the name of the person being honored by the donation on the check. Mailing address will be arranged upon notification of the donation.